As the school holidays approach, police forces throughout the UK are reminding parents to make certain their kids understand the dangers of climbing onto rooftops.
Its also well known that children love adventure and accessing areas where they are not allowed can be exciting and attractive. Some schools have suffered property damage due to pupils climbing onto rooftops during the summer recess, damaging the roofing protection resulting in significant rainwater ingress and the need for expensive repairs.
Risk of Serious Injury
Some roofing materials and skylights can be very fragile and therefore pose a significant risk of people falling through.
Sadly, this was demonstrated in a case where a 14 year old boy fell 30 feet through the roof of a factory. The local fire and rescue service gained access to the premises where they stabilised the youngster and administered oxygen until paramedics arrived. He was then transported to the local hospital with suspected head and pelvic injuries.
The full circumstances of the incident are not clear but it is known that he had been playing near the factory building with friends.

Solar Panel Theft on the Rise
Preventing people from climbing onto rooftops is not only important for their safety and protecting buildings from damage, its also important to secure valuable rooftop equipment such as solar panels.
More and more UK homes are installing solar power systems as energy prices become increasingly high. But the popularity and high demand for solar equipment has also attracted the attention of criminals looking for easy ways to make money.
Solar panels naturally need to be in full sunlight which is why they are often mounted on property rooftops. And criminals know they can sell this valuable equipment to unscrupulous buyers on the black market. These are key reasons why theft of solar panels rocketed by over 22% between 2021 and 2022 and this crime trend is continuing to escalate.
And while some criminal gangs have focused on larger scale installations and solar farms some have recognised how private homes with poor security are far easier targets. In one recent case thieves stole £3000 worth of solar panels from outside a disabled ladies home before they were even installed.
How Roller Barrier Prevents Rooftop Access
Preventing access to rooftops is one of the primary recommendations to improve safety and protect valuable rooftop equipment. Many schools are now using Roller Barrier to prevent youngsters from climbing where they are not allowed, thereby preventing injury and protecting school property.
Installing Roller Barrier around the edge of rooftops introduces an unstable barrier that can’t be easily overcome. It prevents criminals from accessing rooftop equipment, including solar panels, and protects buildings from unwanted intruders and burglars.
See our case studies for some examples of Roller Barrier in use can contact us with your rooftop security requirements. Call: +44 (0) 1273 475500