This is intentionally an aggressive looking anti climb system. It's designed to be mounted on wall or fence tops to deter unwelcome intruders from climbing into your grounds or onto roofs.
The system comprises a series of spiked collars, each featuring 3 protruding spikes welded to a central collar. These thread onto a central spindle which is supported at intervals by a choice of brackets.
The system which is manufactured from galvanised steel, is normally supplied with the natural galvanised finish, however if preferred, it can be supplied with a luxurious paint finish.
RotaSpike anti climb barrier is a practical perimeter security measure
It's an effective deterrent to unwelcome intruders when installed above your walls, gates or fences
The Rotaspike anti climb barrier perimeter security device is an effective rotating anti climbing spike barrier designed to be installed above any existing fence or wall.
Rotating around a central spindle, the individual three spiked tri-wing collars can be assembled to form a barrier of any length. The diameter of the tri-wing barrier is approximately 220mm.
A range of support brackets are available from stock, which are suitable for fixing to walls, fences (including Palisade fencing), etc.
Ideal for use with standard palisade fencing, etc. Installing RotaSpike anti climb spikes converts the perimeter into a formidable barrier against unauthorised access.
Hot-dip galvanised steel construction is standard to protect against the elements.
For maximum aesthetic appeal or to blend in with existing site decor or colour schemes, as an option, RotaSpike can also be supplied in a durable paint finish. Green, black, white, blue or grey are the standard colours available although other colours are available on request.
RotaSpike is supplied in 2.0 metre lengths. Support brackets are required at 3 .0 metre centres for vertical runs or 2.0 metre centres for horizontal runs.
Note: Restrictions may apply to use of this product in some locations, and of course warning signs must be clearly displayed where it is used.
Call for latest prices and installation advice; 01273 475500 or email:
Rota Spike Anto Climb Wall and Fence Topping. Ideal for use with standard palisade fencing
Printable Full Specification SheetSimple to install, effective in use
RotaSpike offers practical protection for your perimeter and is the first line of defence against would be intruders.
Rota Spike on wall schematic
top diagram shows plan view, lower
diagram = elevation

Rota Spike shown with end brackets

Anti Climb Spike - High Visibility Warning Sign

PLEASE NOTE: Warning signs must be displayed where this product is in use - details on our Warning Signs page.
For a safe, alternative anti-climb solution we recommend our Roller Barrier non aggressive anti climb system.
Please Phone Or Email Us To Order
Tel. number: +44 (0) 1273 475500
Email address:
Office hours: 09:00 - 17:30 GMT (Monday-Friday)
We ship products world-wide and will be happy to discuss your requirements and quote for shipping

If you cannot find what you are looking for?
Have a bespoke order or need advice please call our expert team on 01273 475500