Roller Barrier Protects Flat Rooftops at Wymondham Library, Norfolk

Posted by Tony Goldstone on

Wymondham Library in Norfolk is an attractive, award winning modern building, which opened in November 2008. Having invested some £1.65 million in its construction, naturally there was more than a little concern when it was found that the flat roof areas were being accessed by youths and were being used as a skateboard park!

An effective solution was required to stop unauthorised access to the flat roofs, but one which would not detract from the aesthetic appeal of the new building:

   ...the solution chosen was the Non Aggressive "Roller Barrier" anti climb system from Insight Security.

Already widely specified by Local Authorities across the UK as the anti climb system of choice for use in and around schools and other areas where children congregate, the non aggressive nature of Roller Barrier, combined with its aesthetic appearance, also made it the natural choice for this application.

The images below show how the roller barrier in Wymondham Library was fitted along the roofline of the building to blend in with the natural timber cladding.

Roller Barrier protecting flat roof at Wymondham Library in Norfolk

Roller Barrier providing effective flat roof protection and looking great!

Roller Barrier is manufactured in the UK by Insight Security.

Roller Barrier at Wymondham Library in Norfolk